Du Chant La Une Rapidshare Library
It means services related to the technical procedures and processes carried out by the library workers without being seen directly by users, even though they benefit from the final results. These services include the following:. Acquisition: This involves providing and developing library information sources through purchasing, exchange or gifts.
Cataloging and Classification:Involves technical processing of library collections in accordance with the classification scheme of the Library of Congress and MARC21 plan, as well as the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules in its second edition, and entering it in the library management system.Direct Services. Internet: Internet service is offered by the university library for all users to be used in scientific and academic fields. The library provides two labs with 40 computers to access the electronic services provided by the library such as the electronic data bases and automated searches, etc. To use the Internet, the user must secure a user name and a password from the University computer and networks center. Automated Search: The library offers automated search service in the library catalog by providing automated search engines distributed throughout the library and the search would be by the title of the book, the author or a particular subject.

The result of the search will appear based on previously defined data with a classification number (giving the place where the book is located on the shelf) to get the book showing whether the book is available or checked out, etc. It shows also whether there are other available copies in the library. Carrier manual books.
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La Une En Direct
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