Google Search Secrets Tricks
Before you continue.HuffPost is now part of the.We (Verizon Media) and our partners need your consent to access your device, set cookies, and use your data, including your location, to understand your interests, provide relevant ads and measure their effectiveness.Verizon Media will also provide relevant ads to you on our partners' products.How Verizon Media and our partners bring you better ad experiencesTo give you a better overall experience, we want to provide relevant ads that are more useful to you. For example, when you search for a film, we use your search information and location to show the most relevant cinemas near you. We also use this information to show you ads for similar films you may like in the future. Like Verizon Media, our partners may also show you ads that they think match your interests.Learn more about how and how our.Select 'OK' to allow Verizon Media and our partners to use your data, or 'Manage options' to review our partners and your choices.Tip: to save these choices and avoid repeating this across devices.You can always update your preferences in the.
This is where the intro normally goes, but let’s be honest with each other about the nature of this relationship. You’re going to skip right over this part, skim the big, bold headlines, and maybe click on a handful of the blue links. There’s a chance you’ll be mildly amused but you’ll most likely blast a quick puff of air out your nostrils, annoyed that you’ve already seen most or all of these tricks before. You’ll eventually click away to some other site and we’ll never see each other again. We’ll always have this post, though. Thanks for the memories.
Do a Barrel RollSearch for “” without the quotes, and hold onto your desk for dear life. Maybe you’re even a little nauseous.But the old barrel roll trick isn’t the only Easter egg Google has up its sleeve. Here are several others: Tilt/AskewIf you’re obsessive and/or compulsive, this trick isn’t going to sit well with you for long. Search for “” without the quotes. Searching for “” accomplishes the same end-result. Change it back!
Change it ba-aaack! Big Answers to Mind-Bending QuestionsSearch for “” and you’ll get your answer.
It’s a real thinker. Of course, Douglas Adams fans knew the answer without having to search for it.See also: “,” “” and “” for a few other cool calculations.

Did You MeanSearch for ““—did you mean nag a ram? Or try searching for “” instead. Did you mean recursion? Did you mean recursion? Did you mean recursion?
Did you mean recursion? You meant recursion, right? “As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way!”It’s a Festivus MIIIRACLE!
Google “,” and once you’ve taken in the wonder of this Google Easter egg, feel free to participate in the Airing of Grievances here in the comments section or indulge in the Feats of Strength with a family member, friend, enemy or stranger at your earliest convenience. Zerg RushAn, search Google “” and prepare to protect your search results from a bunch of hungry Google O’s.
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Click them before they eat all your results. Why are you still reading this?! Blink HTMLSearch for “” and OH SWEET BABY J, MY EYES!
Brings back some fond memories of simpler web-based times though, doesn’t it? Just needs Bittersweet Symphony auto-playing as a MIDI file. Party Like It’s 1998As long as we’re going old-school with blink tags, want to see what Google looked like in 1998? Believe it or believe it, all you have to do is search for “” and you’ll be whisked away. Clicking the initial search results will return the archived versions of those pages, too. Shake ItWhile we’re on YouTube, type “” into the search bar.

Google Search Secrets Tricks Videos
Ah, memories of a meme from a couple years ago. Thank you!For your security, we've sent a confirmation email to the address you entered. Click the link to confirm your subscription and begin receiving our newsletters. If you don't get the confirmation within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder.Try searching YouTube for these ones, too:. ““.
Google Search Tricks
““. ““Break ItYou can play a game of Breakout, wherein search results from Google Images morph into breakable bricks. Just search for “” and click the Images tab or go straight to and search for “Atari Breakout” there.Contact us at.