Install Clickonce Programmatically Hide

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remote-capable. remote-capable. EUROPEAN USER GROUPS. Onitsuka chihiro sugar high rar files.

I think it doesn't matter in this particular code.Code in Elapsed and UpdateCompleted is consecutive you can even stop timer if UpdateCompleted cause you will need to restart application anyway.Flag processing is always set to true when you start assync operation, which in successful case results in UpdateCompleted method call that sets flag to false, the worst thing that may happen (race condition) here - Elapsed handler will skip one of its turn.One can consider using locks or other techniques, but I really don't see the point doing it in this example. Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the problem. However there is a possibility to such behavior.During application execution an update check is done programatically and an update is found and presumably a flag is set.

Then application is shutdown without updating (e.g. Close during update or update interrupted), but the flag is still set. The next time the application is started ClickOnce still does not check for an update BUT because there is a flag set that there is an update available it prompts the user to see if they want to grab the update.MSDN says. Quote:If CheckForUpdate discovers that an update is available, and the user chooses not to install it, ClickOnce will prompt the user that an update is available the next time the application is run. There is no way to disable this prompting.

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(If the application is a required update, ClickOnce will install it without prompting.)Instead you want to call the method you are using with a boolean value of false, the boolean flag determines if a dialog should be displayed to the user.persistUpdateCheckResult Type: System.Boolean If false, the update will be applied silently and no dialog box will be displayed.In my snippet you can try to replace CheckForUpdateAsync to asynchronously run CheckForUpdate(false) with false parameter. (For example using Task class).Anyway if I reproduce this behavior I'll update article.

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Thanks Ivan,I read the post on about this issue and have also changed:CheckForUpdateAsyncToCheckForUpdate( false)However, when I do this my app no longer updates silently. It checks for updates after app launch (as this is still checking itself under project settings) and sets the flag so next time it's launched I see the dialog apply update or skip?But when I leave:CheckForUpdateAsyncAs it is the app still lags on load while it's checking for updates but it does install the update in the background silently.Very strange behaviour, any ideas?Thanks.