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What famous actors and actresses do you know that can duel as talented musicians? And when I ask this I don’t want any responses that are the result of A-D list celebs who think they can do both for more attention but are really just an embarrassment.cough. Paris Hilton. I can think of a few to start.1) Mike Smith- His name is pretty much as common as they come, but the role this man plays on television is one of the most defined characters that would not escape anyone’s mind upon seeing; Bubbles. The Canadian show based out of Nova Scotia, ‘The Trailer Park Boys’ is by far one of my favorite shows, and Bubbles is the reason why. Smith is in a band called Sandbox. The music, in my opinion, is mediocre.

Give it a listen, see what you think.2) Johnny Depp- Depp wanted to be a star, but with different intentions; to be a rock star. He is not known by many for his music, but Johnny was in a few bands with some big name musicians; Gibby Haynes from the Butthole Surfers, and The Red Hot Chili Peppers’.3) Zooey Deschanel- She may be known as the bitch in ‘500 Days of Summer’, that caused Joseph Gordon-Levitt to act like “a little girl”, over a girl on the big screen, or the cool older sister in one of my favorite movies ‘Almost Famous’. When she’s not involved in acting rolls, she likes to rock and roll. Deschanel is the ‘she’ in her band She and Him. Its Indie melodies are soothing to the ears.4) Steven Seagal- When I first heard that Seagal was a musician aside from his “acting”, I had to check it out for myself. I zoomed right over to YouTube to watch, what I thought was going to be, a big-ol-mess of embarrassment. I could not believe my ears, Seagal can kick ass at guitar, and I was shockingly impressed with his song writing ability.
If I were him, I would give up the whole “acting thing” (or whatever he is trying to do on the big screen), and further his true talent!5) Juliette Lewis- We can remember her from National Lampoon family vacations, but when she’s not being pampered as a Hollywood actress, you can find her stuffed in a tour van, and crashing at a cheap hotel room (if her band and her are lucky), after a night of rocking out. Her band is called ‘Juliette and the Licks’.6) Adrian Grenier- We know him from the show ‘Entourage’, where he is always with his home town friends from back in New York.
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It seems as though the star’s roots are not far from the character’s roots in the show. Grenier is not in just one, but two New York based bands.
In ‘The Honey Brothers’, Adrian plays drums and also some vocals. I really enjoy the music from this band, it has calming rock melodies that are upbeat; give it a listen!Mike Smith aka BubblesJohnny DeppZooey DeschanelSteven SeagalJuliette LewisAdrian Grenier.
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Written By PhilippeThe freeware download offered here is called Musicnotes Viewer.