Sndrec32 Exe Windows Xp
Key Windows XP ExecutablesThe range and number of files included in the Windows XP folder structure areenormous. Most of these files are drivers, DLLs, or some type of configurationstorage. Driver, configuration, and DLL files sustain the operating environment.However, most of the executable (.exe) files and the MS-DOS utilities (.com) arequite useful. You can launch them from the Start menu or other standard GUIlaunch site (when applicable), or you can launch them from Windows Explorer, MyComputer, or a command prompt or through the Run command from the Start menu.The following sections list the files you can launch manually and brieflydescribe each utility or application. Main Windows Root FolderThe following executables reside in the main Windows root folder:.EPLORER.EXE (Windows XP Explorer). Used to interact with the filesystems hosted by Windows XP.
It is also the program responsible for creatingthe Start button and associated objects. If you ever lose the desktop, the Startbutton, and the taskbar, you can usually restore them by pressingCtrl+Alt+Delete, selecting Task Manager from the pop-up menu, and startingExplorer back up with the Run command, accessed by choosing File, New Task (Run)from the menu.HH.EXE (HTML help). Opens an HTML-based Help window.NOTEPAD.EXE (Notepad). Used to edit text files.REGEDIT.EXE (Registry Editor).
A 16-bit Registry-editing tool thatyou can use to search the entire Registry at once.TASKMAN.EXE (Task Manager). Used to view active applications andprocesses and view CPU and memory performance.TWUNK16.EXE (Thunking Server). Allows 16-bit DOS applications tomake 32-bit calls.TWUNK32.EXE (Thunking Server).
Allows 32-bit DOS applications tomake 16-bit calls.WINHELP.EXE (Windows Help). A 16-bit Windows Help reader.WINHLP32.EXE (Windows Help). A 32-bit Windows Helpreader.WindowsSystem32The following list of executables resides in the WindowsSystem32 folder:.ACCWIZ.EXE (Accessibility Wizard). Used to configure the differentaccessibility options of your system.ACTMOVIE.EXE (DirectShow Setup Tool).
Part of the the DirectXseries of tools. Used for media capture and playback.AHUI.EXE (Application Compatibility User Interface). Used toconfigure the different accessibility options of your system.ALG.EXE (Application Layer Gateway Service). Used to configure thedifferent accessibility options of your system.APPEND.EXE (Append).
Allows applications to open or access filesin folders other than the current working, or active, folder by appending thepath parameter. This utility is from MS-DOS 5.0.ARP.EXE (ARP). The Address Resolution Protocol command-lineutility used to manage the ARP cache on TCP/IP systems.ASRFMT.EXE (ASR).
The Automated System Recovery utility.ASRLDM.EXE (ASR). The Logical Disk Manager ASR utility.ASRPFU.EXE (ASR). The Automated System Recovery Protected Filesutility.AT.EXE (AT). Used to schedule tasks to occur at a specific timeand date. It requires that the Scheduler service be running.ATIEVXX.EXE (ATI).
The ATI Hotkey Polling utility.ATMADM.EXE (ATM). The ATM Call Manager utility.ATTRIB.EXE (Attributes). Displays or changes file attributes(read-only, archive, hidden, or system).AUTOCHK.EXE (Auto Check Disk).
Launches automatically duringWindows XP bootup if a volume is marked as dirty (has bad clusters, has errorblocks, or is otherwise damaged).AUTOCONV.EXE (Auto Convert). Used by the Windows XP setup routineto convert a FAT volume to NTFS.AUTOFMT.EXE (Auto Format). The Auto File System conversionutility.AUTOLFN.EXE (Auto Long Filenames). Used by the Windows XP setuproutine to repair, copy, or enable long filenames on drives that have beenconverted from another file system (usually FAT) to NTFS. Also capable ofconverting long filenames to the 8.3 format.BOOTCFG.EXE (Boot Configuration Tool).
A command-line tool forediting the boot.ini file.BOOTOK.EXE (Boot Acceptance). Used with the Last Known GoodConfiguration process to save the configuration parameters after a successfullogon.BOOTVRFY.EXE (Boot Verify). Used with the Last Known GoodConfiguration process to verify a boot selection.CACLS.EXE (Change ACLs). A command-line utility used to change oredit permissions for files and folders.CALC.EXE (Calculator).
A GUI calculator that can act as a standardor scientific calculator.CHARMAP.EXE (Character Map). A GUI utility that displays thecharacters in each font installed on the system.CHKDSK.EXE (Check Disk). A disk inspection tool that can searchfor and repair disk errors.CHKNTFS.EXE (NTFS Drive Checker).
Used to verify the integrity ofWindows XP NTFS partitions.CIDAEMON.EXE (Content Index Filter Daemon). Process thatdetermines which files will be indexed on the hard disk for faster searchqueries.CIPHER.EXE (Encrypted File System Configuration Manager). Acommand-line utility used to encrypt/decrypt files and folders usingEFS.CISVC.EXE (Content Index Service). The Content Index engine thatperforms file indexing to improve performance of resource searches.CKCNV.EXE (Cookie Converter).
A supporting process that controlshow cookies are handled under Windows XP.CLEANMGR.EXE (Disk Space Cleaner). A utility used to remove unusedtemp files from a hard drive to reclaim used space.CLICONFG.EXE (SQL Server Client Network Utility).
Used toconfigure connections from network clients to SQL servers.CLIPBRD.EXE (Clipboard Viewer). Used to view the contents of theobject or data currently copied into memory (also known as theClipboard).CLIPSRV.EXE (Clipboard Server). The network dynamic data exchange(DDE) clipboard service used by Clipboard Viewer to access objects or datacopied into memory.CMD.EXE (Command Prompt). An executable that provides the commandprompt (MS-DOS shell interpreter) for Windows NT.CMDL32.EXE (Auto Connection Manager). Tracks network addresses totheir appropriate connection destinations to support auto-dialfunctions.CMMON32.EXE (Connection Manager). The Connection ManagerMonitor.CMSTP (Connection Manager Installer). Installs and configuresConnection Manager service profiles.COMP.EXE (Compare).
An MS-DOS utility used to compare the contentsof two files or sets of files.COMPACT.EXE (Compact). A command-line utility used to compressindividual files or directories on an NTFS volume.CONIME.EXE (IME Console). The console for the Input Method Editorused to convert non-Arabic letters from a 101-keyboard.CONTROL.EXE (Control Panel). Provides the Control Panel windowwhere all Control Panel applets are displayed.CONVERT.EXE (Convert). Used to convert partitions from FAT to NTFSand from NTFSv4 to NTFSv5.CSCRIPT.EXE (Command Based Script Host). A command-line version ofthe Windows Script Host that enables you to run previously created VBScript andJScript from the command line.CSRSS.EXE (Client-Server Runtime Server Subsystem).
Used tomaintain the Win32 system environment console and other essential functions.CTFMON.EXE (CTF Loader). Supports speech recognition, handwritingrecognition, and other Alternative User Input services.DCPROMO.EXE (Domain Controller Promotion). Used to promote anddemote a Windows NT or 2000 server.
Installs Active Directory on thesystem.DCOMCNFG.EXE (DCOM Configuration). Used to display and configureDCOM settings and configuration.DDESHARE.EXE (DDE Share). Displays the active DDE shares andenables property editing for these shares.DEBUG.EXE (Debugger). A command-line debugging tool.DEFRAG.EXE (Disk Defragmenter). A command-line utility thatconsolidates files so that they are saved in contiguous locations on the harddisk.DFRGFAT.EXE (FAT Defragmentation Tool). Used to defragment FATpartitions.DFRGNTFS.EXE (NTFS Defragmentation Tool). Used to defragment NTFSpartitions.DIANTZ.EXE (Cabinet Maker).
Allows a file to be compressed andincluded in a cabinet file.DISKPART.EXE (Microsoft Diskpart). A command-line tool for diskmanagement.DISKPERF.EXE (Disk Performance Counters). Used to switchperformance counters for the disk subsystem on and off.DLLHOST.EXE (COM+ Server Process). The COM+ processmanager.DLLHST3G.EXE (COM Surrogate). A COM+ process component.DMADMIN.EXE (Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service). Runsduring hard disk configuration only.DMREMOTE.EXE (Logical Disk Manager). A Logical Disk Managercomponent.DOSKEY.EXE (DOS Keyboard).
An MS-DOS 5.0 keyboard history utilitythat provides a history of command-line executions and macros.DOSX.EXE (DOS Extender). A virtual DOS machine (VDM) MS-DOSextender for standard mode.DPLAYSVR.EXE (Microsoft DirectPlay Helper). Supports gameconnections over a modem, the Internet, or a LAN.DPNSVR.EXE (DirectPlay8 Server). A forwarding service for gamesthat have multiple processes using the same IP or IPX port.DRIVERQUERY.EXE (Driver Query).
A command-line tool that displaysa list of currently installed drivers and associated properties.DRWATSON.EXE (Dr. A 16-bit GUI applicationfailure-detection and fault-logging utility that watches over the Win16subsystem.DRWTSN32.EXE (Dr.
A 32-bit GUI applicationfailure-detection and fault-logging utility that watches over the Win32subsystem and native Windows XP applications.DUMPREP.EXE (Windows Error Reporting). A dump reportingtool.DVDPLAY.EXE (DVD Play). A placeholder application.DVDUPGRD.EXE (DVDUpgrd). Upgrades a non-XP compatible DVDdecoder.DWWIN.EXE (Microsoft Application Error Reporting). The applicationused to report errors in Microsoft applications.DXDIAG.EXE (DirectX Diagnostic Tool). A tool for troubleshootingDirectX components.EDLIN.EXE (Edit Line). An MS-DOSbased line editor.ESENTUTL.EXE (Windows XP Database Tools).
A collection of toolsused to check and repair the Windows XP folder.EUDCEDIT.EXE (Private Character Editor). An application thatenables you to create up to 6,400 unique characters, such as special letters andlogos, for your font library.EVENTCREATE.EXE (Event Create). Allows creating custom events inan event log.EVENTTRIGGERS.EXE (Event Triggers). This application displays andconfigures event triggers.EVENTVWR.EXE (Event Viewer).
The executable for the EventViewer.EXE2BIN.EXE (Executable to Binary). A programmers' tool fromMS-DOS used to convert.exe files to.bin files.EXPAND.EXE (Expand). A command-line utility used to decompressindividual files or folders on an NTFS volume.EXTRAC32.EXE (CAB File Extract Utility). Allows cabinet files tobe extracted to disk.FASTOPEN.EXE (Fast Open). An MS-DOS utility that improvesperformance on systems that have large folders by decreasing the time it takesto open frequently accessed files.FC.EXE (File Comparison).
An MS-DOS utility that compares files orsets of files to reveal their differences.FIND.EXE (Find). A command-line utility used to search for astring of characters in a file or files.FINDSTR.EXE (Find String). A command-line utility used to searchfor a string of characters in a file or files.FINGER.EXE (Finger).
A TCP/IP utility used to obtain informationabout a user account via a remote system.FIXMAPI.EXE (MAPI Repair Tool). Detects and resolves problems withMessaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) files.FONTVIEW.EXE (Font View). A command-line utility that displays asample output for a font in a printable GUI window.FORCEDOS.EXE (Force DOS). Instructs Windows XP to launch anapplication as an MS-DOS utility when it contains the code for both OS/2 andMS-DOS.FREECELL.EXE (Free Cell). A GUI card game.FSUTIL.EXE (FSUtil). A volume management tool. Manages reparsepoints and sparse files.FTP.EXE (FTP).
A TCP/IP command-line File Transfer Protocol (FTP)utility used to transfer files between the local system and a remote FTPserver.GDI.EXE (Graphical Device Interface). A core system component thatprovides the Win16 Graphical Device Interface API library forbackward-compatibility with Win16 applications.GETMAC.EXE (Get MAC Address). Displays the Media Access Control(MAC) address of the specified system.GPRESULT.EXE (Query RsoP Data). A tool that displays the GroupPolicies applied to a user or computer.GPUPDATE.EXE (Group Policy Refresh Utility). Manually appliesGroup Policies after the Group Policy administrator makes changes instead ofwaiting for the next automatic update.GRPCONV.EXE (Group Convert). Converts Microsoft Windows 3.x andMicrosoft Windows for Workgroups Program Manager groups into Start menuitems.HELP.EXE (Help).
Displays basic and general help information aboutmany Windows XP commands.HOSTNAME.EXE (Hostname). A TCP/IP command-line utility thatdisplays the hostname of the current system.IE4UINIT.EXE (IE Install Utility). The IE 5.0 Per-user Installutility.IEXPRESS.EXE (Self Extracting/Installing Creator). Createsself-extracting or self-installing executable files.IMAPI.EXE (CD-Burning COM Service).
Manages CD recording usingImage Mastering Applications Programming Interface (IMAPI). If this service isstopped, the computer cannot record CDs.IPCONFIG.EXE (IP Configuration). A TCP/IP command-line tool thatdisplays the IP configuration for all installed interfaces and can be used torenew and release DHCP leases.IPSEC6.EXE (Ipv6 Security Configuration Utility).
A tool forconfiguring IPv6 security.IPV6.EXE (Ipv6 Configuration Utility). A tool to install andconfigure IPv6.IPXROUTE.EXE (IPX Route). A utility used to display and controlthe IPX routes when using the IPX protocol.KRNL386.EXE (Kernel 386). Contains the core Kernel routines forWin16 enhanced mode functionality.LABEL.EXE (Label Drive).
A command-line tool used to display,edit, or change a drive's volume label.LIGHTS.EXE (Lights). Provides the settings for modem status lightsin Windows 95/98 by monitoring the COM ports.LNKSTUB.EXE (Win95-Winnt Migration Utility). The Windows 95 sideof a Windows 95toWindows NT upgrade program.LOCATOR.EXE (Locator). Adds support for Remote Procedure Calls(RPCs) to the Windows XP environment.LODCTR.EXE (Load Counters). Used to add new counters toPerformance Monitor.LOGAGENT.EXE (Windows Media Player LogAgent). The application thatlogs errors with Windows Media Player.LOGMAN.EXE (Performance Log Utility). Manager and scheduler fortrace logs and performance counters.LOGOFF.EXE (Session Logoff Utility).
A utility to terminate auser's session on the PC.LOGONUI.EXE (Windows Logon User Interface). The user interfacethat appears when Windows XP first starts.LPQ.EXE (Line Printer Queue). Displays printer queue informationon a printer hosted on a Unix system.LPR.EXE (Line Printer). Prints to a printer hosted on a Unixsystem.LSASS.EXE (LSA Security Service). The Local Security Authorityserver process.MAGNIFY.EXE (Microsoft Magnifier). Magnifies portions of thescreen for visually impaired people.MAKECAB.EXE (Cabinet File Maker). files for installpackages.MEM.EXE (Memory). A command-line utility that displays the currentstate of memory.MIGPWD.EXE (Migration dll). A Windows 95toWindows NTmigration utility.MMC.EXE (Microsoft Management Console). A built-in programminginterface where most administrative tasks can be added through snap-ins,ensuring the same interface for all administrative functions.MNMSRVC.EXE (NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing).
Allows authorizedusers to remotely access your desktop.MOBSYNC.EXE (Offline Web Synchronizer). Synchronizes offline Websites.MOUNTVOL.EXE (Volume Mounter). Creates, lists, and modifies volumemount points.MPLAY32.EXE (Multimedia Player).
A GUI multimedia player.MPNOTIFY.EXE (Multiple Provider Notify). Used by the WinLogonservice to notify non-Microsoft network servers about security events.MQBKUP.EXE (MSMQ Backup/Restore Utility). A backup and restoreutility for Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) service messages.MQSVC.EXE (Message Queuing Service). A messaging service betweensource and destination computers running distributed applications.MQTGSVC.EXE (MSMQ Trigger Service). Message queuing triggerservice.MRINFO.EXE (Multicast Information). A command-line tool to query amulticast router about its interfaces.MSCDEXNT.EXE (Microsoft CD-ROM Extensions).

Provides CD-ROMextensions for the Windows XP environment, enabling data CDs to be accessed justlike hard drives.MSDTC.EXE (DTC Console Program). The console for the DistributedTransaction Coordinator (DTC).MSG.EXE (Message Utility). A utility for sending messages to otherusers.MSHEARTS.EXE (Hearts Network). A multiplayer Hearts cardgame.MSHTA.EXE (HTML Application Host).
The application used to run anHTML Application (HTA) file.MSIEXEC.EXE (Windows Installer). Used to create install packagesfor applications and programs.MSPAINT.EXE (Microsoft Paint).
A basic graphics creation andviewing tool.MSSWCHX.EXE (Onscreen Keyboard Program). Provides keyboard accessfor mobility-impaired people.MSTINIT.EXE (Task Scheduler Setup). Allows scheduling automatedtasks.MSTSC.EXE (Remote Desktop Connection). An application that enablesa computer to be accessed remotely.NARRATOR.EXE (Microsoft Narrator). Reads files for people who arehearing impaired.NBTSTAT.EXE (NBT Statistics). Displays NetBIOS over TCP/IPstatistics.NDDEAPIR.EXE. The server-side application programming interface(API) for the Network DDE Agent.NET.EXE (Network).
Used to manage, configure, and viewnetwork-related controls, such as net use, net print, netuser, and so on.NET1.EXE (Network). Another network command utility that performsthe same functions as NET.EXE.NETDDE.EXE (Network DDE). A background network DDEprovider.NETSETUP.EXE (Network Setup Wizard).
A utility to help configureother PCs on your network using a floppy disk.NETSH.EXE (Routing and Remote Access Service Configuration Tool).Used to configure RRAS settings.NETSTAT.EXE (Network Statistics). Displays TCP/IP networkstatistics.NLSFUNC.EXE (National Language Support Function). Used to loadcountry-specific language support.NOTEPAD.EXE (Notepad).
The Notepad text-editing utility.NSLOOKUP.EXE (Name Server Lookup). Used to display diagnostic andstatistical information from DNS servers.NTBACKUP.EXE (Windows NT Backup). The Windows XP Backupexecutable.NTKRNLPA.EXE (NT Kernel and System). A Windows Kernelcomponent.NTOSKRNL.EXE (Operating System Kernel). The Windows XP operatingsystem Kernel.NTSD.EXE (Symbolic Debugger).
A troubleshooting utility that givesa detailed view of the system state at the moment of failure.NTVDM.EXE (NT Virtual DOS Machine). An executable that providesthe VDM used to host MS-DOS applications and Windows-on-Windows(WOWsupport for Win16).NW16.EXE (NetWare Redirector). The NetWare VDMRedirector.NWSCRIPT.EXE (Netware Logon Script Utility). A tool to allowlogons to a NetWare server from a Windows PC.ODBCAD32.EXE (ODBC Administrator). Used to administer ODBCconnections.ODBCCONF.EXE (MDAC Installer). Used to reconfigure and reinstallMicrosoft Data Access Components (MDAC).OPENFILES.EXE (Open Files).
Displays and allows disconnects ofopen files on a system.OSK.EXE (On Screen Keyboard). Displays an onscreen keyboard thatcan be used to enter information with the mouse.OSUNINST.EXE (Uninstall Utility). A utility to uninstall WindowsXP and return to an earlier Windows OS. Can be run from a command prompt in Safemode.PACKAGER.EXE (Object Packager). Used to create icon links toembedded data for use in documents.PATHPING.EXE (PathPing Command). A command for verifying an IProute that enables the user to specify options to test for along thepath.PENTNT.EXE (NT Pentium Test).
A command-line tool that tests thesystem for the Pentium floating-point error.PERFMON.EXE (Performance Monitor). The Performance Monitorexecutable.PING.EXE (PING). A TCP/IP utility used to test the existence of,or the capability to communicate with, remote systems.PING6.EXE (Ipv6 Ping Command). A utility that verifiesconnectivity to a specific IP address or hostname.PRINT.EXE (Print). A command-line print utility used to send printjobs to a port.PROGMAN.EXE (Program Manager). An alternative shell that can beused in place of Windows XP Explorer. It is the main interface used in Windows3.x, Windows for Workgroups, and Windows NT 3.51.PROQUOTA.EXE (Profile Quota Manager).
An application for limitingthe size of user profiles.PROXYCFG.EXE (Proxy Configuration Tool). A command-line tool toview and change your current proxy settings.QAPPSRV.EXE (Query Terminal Server Utility). Identifies terminalservers on the network.QPROCESS.EXE (Query Process Utility). Displays processes runningon a machine. Can be sorted by username and other criteria.QWINSTA.EXE (Query Session Utility).
Displays session informationand related statistics, such as connect and flow control settings.RASAUTOU.EXE (Remote Access Dialer). A program that allows remotedial-up connections between PCs.RASDIAL.EXE (RAS Command-Line Dialer). A client-side userinterface.RASPHONE.EXE (RAS Phone).
The Dial-Up Networking Phonebookapplication.RCIMLBY.EXE (Remote Assistance). A program used to help anotheruser with a computer problem over the network or Internet.RCP.EXE (Remote Copy). A TCP/IP utility used to copy files betweenthe current system and a remote RSHD (Remote Shell) server.RDPCLIP.EXE (RDP Clip Monitor). A Remote Desktop Protocolcomponent.RDSADDIN.EXE (Remote Desktop Addin). A Remote Desktop TerminalServices session add-in.RDSHOST.EXE (RDSHost Server Module). A Remote Desktop Servicemodule.RECOVER.EXE (Recover).
A command-line utility to recover readabledata from a defective drive.REDIR.EXE (Redirector). A Win16 network redirector.REG.EXE (Registry Console Tool). A command-line tool for queryingand editing the Registry.REGEDT32.EXE (Registry Editor). A 32-bit Registry-editing toolthat can set security permissions on Registry keys and values.REGINI.EXE (Registry Initializer). A utility to change Registryvalues from a command line or script.REGSVR32.EXE (Registry Server). A program for viewing and editingthe Registry.REGWIZ.EXE (Registration Wizard). Automates the process ofregistering your XP operating system.RELOG.EXE (Performance Relogging Utility).
Displays performancecounter data in other formats.REPLACE.EXE (Replace). A command-line tool used to replacefiles.RESET.EXE (Reset Utility).
A Terminal Services resetutility.REXEC.EXE (Remote Execute). Used to issue commands on remotesystems running the REXEC service.ROUTE.EXE (Route). Used to view and edit the local routingtable.ROUTEMON.EXE (Router Console Monitor). A utility that is no longersupported. Refers you to the netsh command.RSH.EXE (Remote Shell). Issues commands on remote systems runningthe RSH service.RSM.EXE (Removable Storage Manager). Command-line interface forthe Removable Storage Manager.RSMSINK.EXE (Removable Storage Manager).
Sink layer for theRemovable Storage Manager.RSMUI.EXE (User Interface). A Removable Storage Managercomponent.RSNOTIFY.EXE (Recall Notification). A Removable Storage Managercomponent.RSOPPROV.EXE (RSoP Service Application). A Resultant Set ofPolicies (RSOP) application. Determines the current policies applied to aparticular user or PC.RSVP.EXE (Resource Reservation Protocol).
A protocol that sets upa reserved pathway with a specific quality of service for a set of datapackets.RTCSHARE.EXE (RTC Application Sharing). A real-time clockcomponent.RUNAS.EXE (Run As Utility).
A utility that allows a process to beimplemented with a new user ID and password combination. Typically used to run aprocess or application as an Administrator or other user with higher levels ofprivileges than the currently logged on user.RUNDLL32.EXE (Run DLL). Used to run DLL files from a commandline.RUNONCE.EXE (Run Once). Used to perform tasks as defined in theRunOnce Registry key.RWINSTA.EXE (Reset Session Utility). A utility to reset a hardwareor software session.SAVEDUMP.EXE (Save Dump).
Saves the contents of memory to a dumpfile in the occurrence of a STOP error.SC.EXE (Service Development for Windows NT). A service managementtool.SCARDSVR.EXE (Smart Card Resource Management Server). Smart CardServer component.SCHTASKS.EXE (Schedule Tasks).
A command-line tool for schedulingunattended tasks.SDBINST.EXE (Installer). AppFix and AppHelp installer.SECEDIT.EXE (Security Configuration Manager).
Used to set andconfigure Windows XP security options.SERVICES.EXE (Services). Used by Windows XP to manageservices.SESSMGR.EXE (Session Manager). A Remote Desktop help sessionmanager.SETUP.EXE (Setup). The Windows Setup tool.SETVER.EXE (Set Version).
Used to define the version of MS-DOSreported to an application.SFC.EXE (Windows XP Windows File Checker). Verifies that allWindows XP files are present and of the correct version.SHADOW.EXE (Session Utility). A Session Remote Controlutility.SHARE.EXE (Share). An MS-DOS utility used to enable twoapplications to use the same file.SHMGRATE.EXE.
A Windows XP user data migration tool.SHRPUBW.EXE (Shared Folder Creator). Used to create shared folderson a Windows XP system.SHUTDOWN.EXE (Remote Shutdown Tool). Allows shutdowns and restartson local or remote PCs.SIGVERIF.EXE (File Signature Verifier). Verifies that the selectedfile is signed and authorized to run under Windows XP.SKEYS.EXE (Serial Keys). A system service that adds support forthe SerialKeys feature.SMLOGSVC.EXE (Performance Logs and Alerts Service). An applicationthat allows statistics to be monitored and collected on local and remotePCs.SMSS.EXE (Session Manager).
A session manager used to establishthe Windows XP environment during bootup.SNDREC32.EXE (Sound Recorder). A sound recorderapplication.SNDVOL32.EXE (Sound Volume). A GUI volume application.SOL.EXE (Solitaire). A GUI solitaire card game.SORT.EXE (Sort). A command-line utility that sorts input andwrites the results to a file or the screen.SPIDER.EXE (Spider). The Spider solitaire game.SPOOLSV.EXE (Spooler Service). The spooler service for the printsubsystem.SPRESTRT.EXE.

Used to restore the Registry to restart the GUI-modeportion of the Setup application.STIMON.EXE (Still Image Devices Monitor). Enables a USBstill-image device to transfer data.SUBST.EXE (Substitute). An MS-DOS command used to associate a pathwith a drive letter.SVCHOST.EXE (Service Host). A generic host process for Win32services.SYNCAPP.EXE (Synchronize Application). A tool used by theBriefcase to synchronize contained files.SYSEDIT.EXE (System Edit).
A system file-editing utility thatopens the system.ini, win.ini, config.sys, and autoexec.bat files in one editorwindow.SYSKEY.EXE (Windows XP Account Database Manager). Used to securethe Windows XP account database.SYSOCMGR.EXE (Optional Component Manager). The System Stand-aloneOptional Component Manager.SYSTEMINFO.EXE (System Information). Queries a system forconfiguration information, including hotfix and dynamic patches that have beenapplied, IP addresses, and so forth.SYSTRAY.EXE (System Tray). The system tray provider. It controlsthe taskbar and icon tray.TASKKILL.EXE (Kill Process).
Ends a process or task on a local orremote system.TASKLIST.EXE (Task List). Displays a list of all running processeson a local or remote computer.TASKMAN.EXE (Task Manager). Used for backward-compatibility witholder, non-Windows XP software instead of actually providing access to the TaskManager.TASKMGR.EXE (Task Manager). The Task Manager application.TCMSETUP.EXE (Telephony Client Setup). Used to set up theTelephony configuration on a Windows XP client.TCPSVCS.EXE (TCP Services). The TCP Services provider.TELNET.EXE (Telnet). A Telnet client used to access remote Telnetserver systems.TFTP.EXE (Trivial FTP).
An alternative FTP program for use overUser Datagram Protocol (UDP).TLNTADMN.EXE (Telnet Administrator). Used to configure thesettings for the Telnet server under Windows XP.TLNTSESS.EXE (Telnet Sessions Viewer). Displays the currentlyconnected Telnet sessions.TLNTSVR.EXE (Telnet). An application that allows a Telnet terminalsession with an online host.TOURSTART.EXE (Windows Tour Launcher).
A guided overview ofWindows XP.TRACERPT.EXE (Event Trace Report Tool). Provides trace analysisreports from trace logs or data generated by an event trace provider.TRACERT.EXE (Traceroute). Used to identify the route between thelocal system and a remote system on a TCP/IP network.TRACERT6.EXE (Ipv6 Traceroute Tool). A tool to trace the route apacket would take to get from the source host to the destination host.TSCON.EXE (Session Connection Utility). Attaches a user session toa terminal session.TSCUPGRAD.EXE (Setup Custom Action DLL). The Terminal Servicessetup component.TSDISCON.EXE (Session Disconnect Utility).
A Terminal Servicesutility for disconnecting a session.TSKILL.EXE (End Process Utility). A utility to terminate aTerminal Services process on a session-by-session basis or for allsessions.TSSHUTDN.EXE (System Shutdown Utility). A Terminal Servicesutility to perform a controlled shutdown of the server. Includes variables forrebooting or powering down the server.TYPEPERF.EXE (Command-line Performance Monitor). An applicationthat collects performance data and outputs it to a file or display.UNLODCTR.EXE (Unload Counter).
Used to unload Performance Monitorcounters.UPNPCONT.EXE (UPnP Device Host Container). A Universal Plug andPlay component.UPS.EXE (UPS Service). The uninterruptible power supplyservice.USER.EXE (Win16 User). A utility for Win16 compatibility.USERINIT.EXE (User Initialization). Used to establish theoperating environment for a user after logon.USRMLNKA.EXE (U.S. Robotics Driver Interface).
A driverutility.USRPRBDA.EXE (U.S. Robotics Enable/Disable Probe). Roboticsdevice support utility.USRSHUTA.EXE (U.S. Robotics Shutdown Helper). Roboticsdevice support utility.UTILMAN.EXE (Utility Manager). An application for configuringtools for disabled people.VERIFIER.EXE (Driver Verifier Manager).
Sndrec Windows 10
Attempts to determinewhether a driver will cause a system conflict by testing its operation.VSSADMIN.EXE (Shadow Copy Service). Command-line interface for theVolume Shadow Copy Service.VSSVC.EXE (Volume Shadow Copy Service). Manages and implements avolume shadow copy for backup purposes.VWIPXSPX.EXE (Redirector).
Windows Xp Simulator
A NetWare redirectorcomponent.W32TM.EXE (Windows Time Service). The Windows Time Servicediagnostic tool.WEXTRACT.EXE (Win32 Cabinet Self Extractor). A component used inextracting cabinet files to disk during setup.WIAACMGR.EXE (Windows Picture Acquisition Wizard).
A program thatsteps you through downloading pictures from a digital device to a filelocation.WINCHAT.EXE (Windows Chat). A chat tool.WINHLP32.EXE (Windows Help). The 32-bit Windows Helptool.WINLOGON.EXE (Windows Logon). The Windows Logon service.WINMINE.EXE (Mine Sweeper). The Mine Sweeper game.WINMSD.EXE (Windows XP Diagnostics).
The Windows XP diagnosticsapplication.WINSPOOL.EXE (WOW Spooler). The printer spooler service for WOW(the Win16 subsystem).WINVER.EXE (Windows Version). Displays the current Windowsversion.WMPSTUB.EXE (Windows Media Player). The Windows Media Playerautoplay loader.WOWDEB.EXE (WOW Debugger). The WOW debugger.WOWEXEC.EXE (WOW Execute).
Runs Win16 applications for Win32applications.WPABALN.EXE (Windows Product Activation). Windows ProductActivation Balloon reminder.WPNPINST.EXE (Internet Printing). Supports.exe files for Internetprinting.WRITE.EXE (Write). A text and rich-text document-editingtool.WSCRIPT.EXE (Script Host).

The Windows-based script host.WUAUCLT.EXE (Windows Update). An auto-update client.WUPDMGR.EXE (Windows Update). The Windows Update Manager forNT.XCOPY.EXE (Extended Copy). A command-line utility used to copyfiles and folders.