??????? ????????airship Technology Khoury Pdf Editor

Table of contentsIntroduction1. Literature reviewHistory2. Designs and configurationsConventionalUnconventional3. Aerostatic Principles4. Lifting GasesSimilar projectsAerodynamics and Stability5. Manufacturing and materialsConclusionReferencesList of figuresFigure 1‑1: Pilatre de Rozier crossing the English Channel. (Pozdravish, 2011)Figure 1‑2: Hindenburg disaster. (Syon G., Time, 2017)Figure 2‑1: Traditional airship configurations. (Khoury et al. 1999)Figure 2‑2: Megalifter winged airship. (Livejournal, 2016)Figure 2‑3: Propellled airship configuration.

(Khoury et al. 1999)Figure 4‑1: Lifting capacity of different gases. (Goodyear Aerospace Corp)Figure 5‑1: V-shaped hybrid airship.

2011)Figure 5‑2: Rotation angle variation with gondola position change. (Haque et al.

2014)Figure 5‑3: Naca 6322 70% chord length. (Adamczyk G., (2017)Figure 5‑4: Winged and wingless mesh models. 2012)Figure 5‑5: Wing vortex at different angles of attack. 2012).Figure 5‑6: Airship pressure contoursat at different empenage configurations. (Haque et al.

2014)Figure 6‑1: NACA 6322 80% chord. (Adamczyk G., 2017) IntroductionAirships represent an attractive and promising solution to missions that can involve transportation, surveillance, recognition and monitoring, and so on. The many potential benefits that they can provide compared with UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), helicopters or drones in many practical applications have been proved, in terms of their high endurance capability with a lower investment, as they require much less power due to the lift generated through buoyancy force.

Most of the traditional lighter than air airships are at the mercy of the surrounding air as the majority are used with advertising purposes (Haque et al. (2014)) Nevertheless, it must be taken into account for transportation missions heavy dusty winds will cause a great difficulty in handling, especially in the lateral stability of the vehicle.

Taking this in mind, in the recent years there has been experienced an increased interest on the design of hybrid airships, able to combine both the lift generated by buoyancy forces as well as the produced by added wings, solving by this way the stability issues of traditional airships.This document will cover the complete design, manufacturing and testing of a mini airship for surveillance and terrain mapping, including the integration of the airship envelope, propellers, controllers, micro pimp and sensors. The aim of this project will be to compare the manoeuvrability and performance of the final prototype with a conventional UAV of similar weight under the same conditions. It must be stated that this is a continuation project of the designs carried on from previous projects, so using this together with the limited literature available related to different areas of research (Haque et al. (2014)), this project will help to complete and explore these research areas that require the completion of the details of the aerodynamic and stability behaviour at different flight conditions. Literature review HistoryThe history of aviation and all the challenges that it implied, suppose one of the greatest exponents of how human dedication and tenacity served to achieve the common objective of conquering the skies.Lighter than air vehicles began their development in 1783 with the French brothers Joshep Michael Montgolfier and Jacques Etienne, that invented the hot air balloon and were able to send it up to an altitude near to 6,000 ft (1800 m) (Miller et al. This concept was improved the same year by Jean Pilatre de Rozier, a French physicist that was achieved to make the first manned balloon, crossing the English Channel using flapping wings to propel the balloon and a birdlike tail for steering manoeuvres (Figure 1-1). Figure 1‑1: Pilatre de Rozier crossing the English Channel.

(Pozdravish, 2011)It was in 1900, when the Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin from Germany, invented the first rigid airship, leading to one of the most successful airships of all time. The term rigid comes from the metal framework composed by triangular girders covered with fabric that contained hydrogen-gas-filled rubber bags to generate the lift.

The first one built used tail fin and rudders to stabilize the airship during flight, being powered by an internal combustion engine.Several models where manufactured (Zeppelins) with military and civil purposes in the early 1900s, as well as for transatlantic travel (Frankfurt-Recife, Brazil). During this period, although many accidents were produced in different countries as theand Italy, having hundreds of dead’s, the investigation and development never stopped until 1937. Was this year when the largest and most iconic airship was built, the LZ129 Zeppelin.

Designed to perform transatlantic flights, and after successfully carry out a travel between New Jersey and Germany, it crashed while landing in Lakehurst where 36 passengers died (Figure 1-2). Figure 1‑2: Hindenburg disaster. (Syon G., Time, 2017)This accident supposed the end of the golden era of airships.

Nevertheless, the interest on lighter than air vehicles technology did not disappear, using helium as the main advantage due to its non-flammability.Army continued to develop them until 1962.In recent days they are being used for advertising, research purposes, tourism, however, the investigation of the new possibilities that they can offer is still in process. Designs and configurationsAt basic levels, an airship is a balloon that can be manoeuvred and propelled, but to the able to perform this it must accomplish two basic principles. On the one hand, in order to have a reliable and secure flight, it must sustain all the aerodynamic loads as well as the ones produced by the propulsive installations. On the other hand, the primary function of the envelope is that it should have a streamlined in other to reduce the drag coming from the air resistance (Khoury et al. ConventionalTraditionally, especially in the first half of the 19 th century, there have dominated to main structural airship categories. Pressure (Blimps), and rigid airships (See Figure 2-1).A blimp is an airship whose shape is maintained by the pressure generated by the lifting gas contained on its interior.

Regardless in many pressure airships, there is no need to install a hard compartment to harbour the power plant or additional equipment, sometimes appears the need to incorporate a structure capable of sustaining the bending loads; becoming by this way in a semi-rigid airship.Otherwise, rigid airships carry all the external loads through a surrounding framework composed of a set of cells, traditionally made of fabric skin wire-braced girders. This also helps to maintain the envelope’s shape independent of the interior pressure as well as reducing the material strength needed.

Figure 2‑1: Traditional airship configurations. (Khoury et al. 1999)To this project, the semi-rigid configuration is considered as the most adequate due to its less complex design and manufacturing, combining the advantages of both previous configurations it will allow to sustaining bending loads without creating additional stresses on the envelope. UnconventionalStarting from the base of the previous designs, many configurations had been proposed and investigated in order to adapt the models to specific missions and improve their general performance. The airships involved into this current are classified as ‘Hybrid Airships’, that at the same time can be divided into two categories.The first one combines the characteristics of an aeroplane with a classical airship, primarily adding wings. With this premise, is tried to enhance the lift capacity aerodynamically by carrying a significant percentage of the carried payload through the dynamic lift generated by the wings. Figure 2-2 shows the Megalifter, a project developed during the 1970s using this ‘winged’ configuration.

Figure 2‑2: Megalifter winged airship. (Livejournal, 2016)This design would have a vast scientific interest to this project due to the capabilities that it would offer during take-off and landing, having much less runway needed compared to an aircraft of similar weight, as well as a safer ground handling than a conventional airship.The second group would involve the combination of the helicopter technology using vectored propellers to generate thrust and help to the airship buoyancy (See example in Figure ). However, many studies have gone further, developing designs where the total weight of the airship was sustained by the aerostatic lift, leaving all the power capability of the propellers to sustain the payload. Figure 2‑3: Propelled airship configuration. (Khoury et al.

1999)This configuration, together with the ‘winged’ previously explained, will suppose one of the bases of this document as the scope of this document pretends to mix this both technologies in the most efficient manner. With this, it will be intended to establish which is the best arrangement and the main advantages that they can offer, either separately or combined. Aerostatic PrinciplesIn order to face and understand the incoming literature, there must be a basic aerostatic and aerodynamic airship knowledge regarding design purposes (Khoury et al. 1999).The static buoyancy refers to the effect of a body immersed in a fluid (upward force), named ‘aerostatics’ when this fluid is the air. Figure 4‑1: Lifting capacity of different gases. (Goodyear Aerospace Corp)Previous WorkThe investigation of a new generation of hybrid airships is considered a relatively new topic that it is still under development and continuous research in numerous investigations. The majority of the scientific documents related with this engineering field cover the design phase as well as numeric simulations, so starting from them, it will be analysed the different design aspects carried out in order to lead the project in the most efficient manner.

Similar projectsThe main base and background that will sustain this dissertation will be the investigation of the design and development of a hybrid airship carried out by Adamczyk G., (2017). The aim of this study was to develop a hybrid airship capable of generating lift using an aerofoil envelope shape.

There were analysed different airship designs and concepts as well as CFD analysis of different aerofoils to obtain the most appropriate to perform the work, leaving a high and detailed background for the design phase.The second section was focused on the manufacturing of the full-scale model, that although it was unable to fly, it served as a guideline of how to manage a manufacturing process and avoid the repetition of errors on future work.Another similar recent study, but this time looking for the design never seen before to study its performance was carried out by Liu et al. Figure 5‑1: V-shaped hybrid airship. 2011)On the study Stability and Take-off Ground Issues by Haque et al. 2014, it is analysed the effect of the gondola position on rotation angle during take-off, landing and ground roll on the IWHA-14 hybrid winged airship. This paper puts special emphasis on the possible configurations that can be met in order to operate at the minimum roll angle, being of great utility for the design and manufacturing phases.This can be demonstrated as it can be observed in Figure 5-2, where the gondola position has a dominant effect during take-off on the rotation angle of attack. Moving forward the position of the gondola the rotation angle is 9.5 o while moving it 2.5 m back the minimum rotation angle increases up to 12 o. Figure 5‑2: Rotation angle variation with the gondola position change.

(Haque et al. 2014)Aerodynamics and StabilityAs stated in Adamczyk G., (2017), the selection of the envelope aerofoil profile is crucial in order to obtain the maximum lift to drag ratio as well as having the sufficient internal volume to fit the required gas to sustain the airship weight including the payload. Aerofoils from the NACA 4-digit series with almost flat bottom surfaces and great thickness were considered as the most suitable, where the NACA 6322 profile was finally chosen as one with the greatest characteristics.As this inflated shape aerofoil would constitute the airship envelope, the NACA profile was cut at 70% of is chord as depicted in Figure 5-3, allowing to work with a more likely airship structure making easier the stages of the manufacturing process.

Figure 5‑3: Naca 6322 70% chord length. (Adamczyk G., (2017)The main advantages and aerodynamic differences of a winged aircraft in comparison with a wingless one have been studied in detail in Adan et al. As it was previously explained in the Unconventional Designs section, part of the total lift of hybrid winged airship comes from the aerostatic buoyancy and the results from the dynamic lift of the wings.

Taking this into account, the intention was to integrate wings to a conventional airship (Figure 5-4) and, using a commercial CFD package, analyse both models as a preliminary aerodynamic analysis for a winged airship. Figure 5‑4: Winged and wingless mesh models. 2012)The experiment was carried out at a Re = 2.16×10 6 at a free stream velocity of 40 m/s at different angles of attack (See Figure 5-5 for winged airship velocity contours).This investigation outcome presented a promising reliability and performance for future winged airships flight tests. The lift generated was on average at positive angles of attack three times more compared to the wingless airship, where the highest increment is found at α = 5°. On the other hand, drag increases exponentially on the winged, increasing from 19% up to 58% in comparison.

In terms of motion, both airships present a good longitudinal stability, being where the major contribution of the wings to the total stability. In addition, changing the wings position and orientation can contribute to a better static rolling moment stability. Figure 5‑5: Wing vortex at different angles of attack.

2012).Another study ( Static Longitudinal Stability of a Hybrid Airship) carried by Haque et al. (2014), investigates how different empennage configurations can affect to the longitudinal stability of a winged airship. As it can be observed in Figure 5-6, two models where analysed, an inverted ‘Y’ type empennage (left) and a ‘+’ type empennage.The comparative investigation showed that the ‘+’ configuration tends to present a higher static stability with the noticeable ability to develop a restoring pitching moment.

Figure 5‑6: Airship pressure contours at at different empennage configurations. (Haque et al.

Manufacturing and materialsIn work done by Adamczyk G., (2017), there was reproduced a preliminary full-scale paper manufacturing prototype of the design in order to have an initial approach of the steps to take on before build the real model, which could not be finished due to lack of time.The initial plan was to divide the airship into two main components, the gondola and the envelope. Two gondola configurations were considered; the first one composed of plastic rods forming four equilateral triangles, two at the bottom and two at the top. The other configuration was simpler as it was based on a cuboid-shaped gondola manufactured with carbon fibre tubes.Both designs would serve to carry all the electronic systems proper to a surveillance aircraft; including a camera, batteries, altitude control equipment, mapping lecture systems, GPS and remote control systems.


The propulsion unit was initially composed by two vectoring propellers capable of generating either thrust or lift, although despite this, a 4 engine configuration was considered as a possible alternative bringing a better control and net thrust.For the design of the envelope, the chord of the aerofoil chosen was cut at its 80% instead of 70% to increase the volume and keep the aerodynamic characteristics (Figure 6-1). Figure 6‑1: NACA 6322 80% chord.

♥ Book Title: Airship Technology♣ Name Author: Gabriel Alexander Khoury∞ Launching: 2012-02-13◊ Info ISBN Link: 706⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total 749 sheet♮ News id: SiaejBco6NUC☯ Full Synopsis: 'This comprehensive guide to modern airship design and operation, written by world experts, is the only up-to-date book on airship technology intended as a technical guide to those interested in studying, designing, building, flying, and operating airship. In addition to basic airship principles, the book covers conventional and unconventional design in a panoramic and in-depth manner focusing on four themes: (1) basic principles such as aerostatics, aerodynamics, propulsion, materials and structures, stability and control, mooring and ground handling, and piloting and meteorology; (2) different airship types including conventional (manned and unmanned), hot air, solar powered, and hybrid; (3) airship applications including surveillance, tourism, heavy lift, and disaster and humanitarian relief; and (4) airship roles and economic considerations. This second edition introduces nine new chapters and includes significant revisions and updates to five of the original chapters. 'Article Gabriel Alexander Khoury Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Airship Technology♣ Name Author: Books LLC∞ Launching: 2010-05◊ Info ISBN Link: ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 945⊕ Number Pages: Total 254 sheet♮ News id: qqOJSQAACAAJ☯ Full Synopsis: 'Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Chapters: Aluminium, Hydrogen, Helium, Propeller, Hot air balloon, Monocoque, Buoyancy, Truss, History of ballooning, Umberto Nobile, Polyester, Mooring mast, Thrust vectoring, RAF Cardington, Aramid, Buoyancy compensator, Airship hangar, Spy basket, Laminate, Geodesic airframe, Goldbeater's skin, Lifting gas, Ballonet, Polyvinyl fluoride, Thermic welding, Hybrid moored balloon. Excerpt: Helium ( -lee- m) is the chemical element with atomic number 2 and an atomic weight of 4.002602, which is represented by the symbol He.

It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic gas that heads the noble gas group in the periodic table. Its boiling and melting points are the lowest among the elements and it exists only as a gas except in extreme conditions.

Next to hydrogen, it is the second most abundant element in the universe and accounts for 24% of the elemental mass of our galaxy. An unknown yellow spectral line signature in sunlight was first observed during a solar eclipse in 1868 by French astronomer Jules Janssen. Janssen is jointly credited with the discovery of the element with Norman Lockyer, who observed the same eclipse and was the first to propose that the line was due to a new element, which he named helium.

In 1903, large reserves of helium were found in natural gas fields in parts of the United States, which is by far the largest supplier of the gas. Helium is used in cryogenics (its largest single use, absorbing about a quarter of production), particularly in the cooling of superconducting magnets, with the main commercial application being in MRI scanners. Helium's other industrial uses- as a pressurizing and purge gas, as a protective atmosphere for arc welding and in processes such as growing crystals to make silicon wafers- account for half of the gas produced. A well-known but minor use is as a.

'Article Books LLC Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation IV♣ Name Author: Zhi Xiang Hou∞ Launching: 2011-10-24◊ Info ISBN Link: 177⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total 1650 sheet♮ News id: Di3DwAAQBAJ☯ Full Synopsis: 'Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).

This two-volume set contains 317 peer-reviewed papers from the Fourth International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA). The latter aimed to provide a high-level international forum where scientists, engineers and educators could present the state-of-the-art of measurement technology and mechatronics automation research and their applications in diverse fields.

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'Article Zhi Xiang Hou Statement.' ♥ Book Title: The Airship Artemis♣ Name Author: Chester Quinn∞ Launching: 2014-07-11◊ Info ISBN Link: 676⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total 308 sheet♮ News id: HX4SBAAAQBAJ☯ Full Synopsis: 'Capable of carrying hundreds of passengers and crew members, the elegant airships have become the preferred method of travel and are the crown jewels in the Airship Ministry. But one of the airships is now a target for greedy pirates. As darkness descends on the Melbourne, pirates hijack the ill-fated airship. Passengers and crew are thrown into turmoil as they become unwilling pawns in the hijackers' ransom demands. The Airship Ministry is desperate to resolve the crises before any of the hostages are harmed-and before their stock prices plummet further. They decide on a bold plan and send Captain Thomas Lelaray of the airship Artemis to negotiate.

Lelaray makes contact with the pirates and with his secret compliment of marine commandos is prepared to retrieve the hostages at all costs. But what appears to be a simple rescue mission quickly becomes a struggle to survive as disaster looms. From the streets of New York and London, to the burning deserts of Libya. Lelaray tries to tie the clues together, to ensure the safety of the hostages and the success of the mission.

With help from the beautiful marine lieutenant Jess Yamato, Lelaray finds himself torn between love, duty, and survival. 'Article Chester Quinn Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Airship Design♣ Name Author: Charles P. Burgess∞ Launching: 2004-01◊ Info ISBN Link: ⊗ Detail ISBN code: 736⊕ Number Pages: Total 340 sheet♮ News id: GCkPQAACAAJ☯ Full Synopsis: 'Originally published in 1927, this volume was intended to fill the dual role of textbook for the student of airship design and handbook for the practical engineer. The design of airships, particularly of the rigid type, is mainly a structural problem; and theoretical aerodynamics has nothing like the relative importance which it bears in airplane design.

Airship Technology Khoury Pdf Editor Pc

This is to be expected when we consider that the gross lift of an airship depends solely on the specific gravity of the gas and the bulk of the gas container, and not at all on shape or other aerodynamic characteristics which determine the lift of airplanes. 'Article Charles P. Burgess Statement.' ♥ Book Title: Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics♣ Name Author: Ku Zilati Ku Shaari∞ Launching: 2014-11-28◊ Info ISBN Link: 361⊗ Detail ISBN code: ⊕ Number Pages: Total 167 sheet♮ News id: 0DygBQAAQBAJ☯ Full Synopsis: 'This volume presents the results of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis that can be used for conceptual studies of product design, detail product development, process troubleshooting. It demonstrates the benefit of CFD modeling as a cost saving, timely, safe and easy to scale-up methodology.

Airship Technology Khoury Pdf Editor Free

'Article Ku Zilati Ku Shaari Statement.'