Bufr Decoding Software
Bufr Decoding Software Download
Bufr Decoding Software Free
The Binary Universal Form for the Representation of meteorological data ( BUFR) is a maintained by the (WMO). The latest version is BUFR Edition 4. BUFR Edition 3 is also considered current for operational use. BUFR was created in 1988 with the goal of replacing the WMO's dozens of character-based, position-driven codes, such as (surface observations), (upper air soundings) and (monthly climatological data). BUFR was designed to be portable, compact, and universal. Any kind of data can be represented, along with its specific spatial/temporal context and any other associated. In the WMO terminology, BUFR belongs to the category of table-driven code forms, where the meaning of data elements is determined by referring to a set of tables that are kept and maintained separately from the message itself.BUFR is a complex format that can be difficult to use and it presents some weaknesses.
Bufr Decoding Software Pdf
The introduction of BUFR format lead to data 'disparition' and many formatting errors.