Flyff V19 Official Fileshare

Downloads!Repack + Client + DatabasesNeuzMssqlResource HackerDatabases OnlyGuide:The first thing you need to do is install MSSQL. Just run the setup and go through the installation, DO NOT forget to make it in mixed mode and enter a good password.After the installation is done you need to restore the databases. All the databases can be found in the ' DATABASE' folder. For convenience you should copy them to your MSSQL's backup folder.

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Flyff V19 Official Fileshare

Flyff V19 Official Fileshare Site

Backyard skateboarding 2006 pc128. Now that they are in the backup folder, Start MSSQL Server Management Studio Express and login using SQL Auth.Your username: saYour passowrd: the password you choseInstance: YourpcnameSQLEXPRESSAfter you've logged in, right click on database and click 'Restore Database'. Now a screen should pop up, Put in your databases name. The names should be like this. Code: ACCOUNTDBFCHARACTER01DBFITEMDBFEoCRMDBFEoCRmDBFRMANAGEDBFRANKINGDBFLOGGING01DBFAfter you put the name of the database in, check 'From Device'and click on the '.' Button next to it and click on add and select your.bak file as i mentioned at the beginning the.bak files should popup after pressing add.After that click on 'OK'Below the 'From Device' Field will now be your Backup locationCheck the 'Restore' column and click on 'Options' and check 'Overwrite existing Database'in the Field below you need to set your SQL DATA Folder. Code: login = ACCOUNTDBFCharacter01 = Character01DBFlog01 = logging01dbfranking = rankingdbfmanage = managedbfAt the next screen there's nothing much to do EXCEPT if your OS is in a different language you need to change the default language to ENGLISH in this screen. Or else you'll have problems.Thats one ODBC down, now you need to do the rest.After all this is done you need to go into your Files folder and edit all the ini's.

Where it says YOURIP, enter in And in worldserver.ini and database.ini, make sure you edit the resource path to match your own resource folder path.Last thing is to run your server files, they are numbered so this part is pretty simple.If you got errors with the login incorrect in one of the error files.

Flyff V19 Official Fileshare 2017

Flyff V19 Official Fileshare

Try and run all Servers in Adminstration mode (RightClick + Run As Administrator) or turn off the UAC this will fix the prob.and make sure all ODBC's are running on Windows AuthenticationNow you should have a 100% working v15 server.You should now RESHACK your Neuz.exe. Download Reshacker and open neuz.exe in it.

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Change the port to 15400 and the IP to IF YOUR HOSTING IT ON YOUR PC, If not then change it to YOUR server's IPCreating An AccountThis is how you create an account, the CORRECT way.Find the dbo.CREATEACCOUNT procedure in the release section, it is posted by Reimniess.DO NOT USE the dbo.ASP.createaccount OR ANYTHING like that, they DO NOT WORK!Execute the SQL you get from his post and make sure it is executed in the ACCOUNTDBF databases.Then go to the procedure and EXECUTE it.You should see two fields you need to fill. Put in your USERNAME in the first one. MAKE SURE IT IS ALL LOWERCASE.Then go to here and in the field put in serusadmin.Then click the md5 button at the bottom and you should get. Code: ef9e8ddbf4e00ffef8991065a3fdef8c copy and paste that and put it into the password field under your username.Now press EXECUTE and execute the script, now you should have an account with the password 'admin' with no ' around it.Hopefully this will be the LAST time i have to post about making an account since it is VERY VERY easy to make an account.NOTES: serus is the SALT, you need to use this SALT everytime you create an account, i don't know what a SALT is nor do i really care, all i know is that you MUST use this SALT to make your account work.

Or ASK SERUS to remove the salt from the neuz.exe or do it yourself.PS: The CAPS are used only so that it becomes more clear, I'm neither flaming or yelling XDTo create an account an admin, run this query.CreditsSerusUriel for the repack and first guide.Synaptic for the Linked Server queries.Dell Honne for reshack/fixes/guide.Treachery for the Database link.Note: Guide looks like crap i need to fix it up a lot! If i missed something please tell me, also if you still need help feel free to post in this thread, i will try to help you or someone else will be able to.