You Are My All In All Chords Pdf Viewer

INTRO: F C Dm F BbVERSE 1:F C DmYou are my strength when I am weakF BbYou are the treasure that I seekF C F CYou are my all in allF C DmSeeking You as a precious jewelF BbLord to give up, I'd be a foolF C F CYou are my all in allCHORUS:F C Dm F Bb F C F CJesus, Lamb of God, worthy is Your nameF C Dm F Bb F C FJesus, Lamb of God, worthy is Your nameVERSE 2:F C DmTaking my sin, my cross, my shameF BbRising again, I bless Your nameF C F CYou are my all in allF C DmWhen I fall down, You pick me upF BbWhen I am dry, You fill my cupF C F CYou are my all in allENDING:Bb F C Bb-FWorthy is Your name. Progetto stradale completo autocad.
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