Mapsource Bluechart Cd
MAPSOURCEBLUECHART PACIFIC V8.5 CDROMDiscontinued Australia,New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Asia EastMapSourceBlueChartcartography is designed to provide navigators with innovativeobject-oriented cartography; descriptive details for featurestypically found on nautical charts can easily be viewed with asimple keypress, and cursor movements over the chart provide descriptionsfor contour depths, chart number, navaid name, and much more.Whendisplayed on a GARMIN chartplotter, BlueChart offers its usersa paper chart-like appearance. This data includes shaded depthcontours, inter-tidal zones, spot soundings, wrecks, navaids,port plans, restricted areas, cable areas, anchorages and more.BlueChart also includes chart numbers, name, scales, revisiondates and Notice to Mariner dates.BlueChartis designed to provide interactive viewing of detailed nauticalchart data, and complements GARMIN's new line of handheld mappingproducts and marine chartplotters. BlueChart Marine Cartographyis available in two formats: on MapSource CDROM and also on preprogrammeddata cards. The CD provides the same detailed, object-orientedcartography as the preprogrammeddata cards.GPS models that load map detail into internal memory require useof the CDROM product; models that use data cards for storage ofmap detail can utilise either format.MapSourceBlueChart Unlock:Nautical detail contained on each BlueChart CD-ROM is broken intoseparate regions which must be unlocked prior to use.
With thepurchase of a MapSource BlueChart CD, a single Unlock Certificateis included. Users will have access to one region of their choice;the region to be unlocked is selected when you visit the GARMINunlock web pages at.Unlock codes for other regions may be purchased and unlocked separately.Version8.5 Pacific features include:New!
Now with MSQ data (MaritimeSafety Queensland)Chart-specific information, including chart name, number, scale,revision date, latest Notice to Mariners dateTrip and waypoint management function lets you transfer waypoints,routes and tracks between your GPS and your PCFaithful representation of published official paper chartsObject-oriented cartographyShaded depth contoursIntertidal zonesSpot soundingsPort plansNavaids with view range and coverageTides, wrecks, restricted areas and anchorages MapSourceScreen Examples:GPSMAP 178C Sounder screenPCScreen Example. MapSource CD-ROM BlueChart cartography:A llowsBlueChart data to be downloaded to the internal memory of the, and,(secure digitalcards also), (secure digital cards also), (secure digital cards also), (secure digital cards also),. Alsoallows user programming of for use with,&,and the,. LimitedCompatibility:The,offer limited support of BlueChart.Q: 'Exactlywhat does 'limited support of BlueChart' mean?A (from GARMIN Cartography): 'Limited capability' may meanthat a unit may be able to draw all the map features from theMapSource software, such as roads, lakes, nav-aids, depth contours,wrecks, etc., but the interactive capability of the maps may belimited. For example, you may not be able to 'find nearest marinas'or look up additional text about a specific mapping feature.' BLUECHARTUPDATE COSTSEachversion of BlueChart no longer has a 'free update lifetime'lasting from its Release Date until the Release Date of thenext version (updates are normally issued in January and Julyeach year). Release Dates are shown on the Update disks are but an unlock is payable toGarmin.
Effective July 2, 2007 all customers will be chargedto update their map data.
Google search secrets tricks. After reading in another post that Garmin is changing thier policy with regards to unlock codes I called Garmin to verify. Spoke to a very nice lady in tech support who confirmed that changes were in fact in place with regards to City Navigator and unlock codes. The first change went into effect May 1 when a new policy eliminating free updates went into effect.
According to tech support if you buy an older copy of a mapping software Garmin will no longer upgrade for free. The example I have is buying a copy of City Navigator 7 on E-Bay; if you want to upgrade to CN8 you will have to pay the upgrade cost.Even more disturbing, effective June 1 there will be no free second unlock code; this includes people who have already purchased the programs with the understanding the second unlock was available. Having just bought a 76CSx and a full version of CN8 I was counting on using the second code at a later date if I decided to buy another 76 for the wife. Now I will have to buy another GPS by June 1 or lose my second unlock code.The resaon for the changes, according to Garmin, was due to policy changes with their mapping distributor. It was recommended that all concerns about these changes be sent to techsupp@garmin.comThe only good new was that Garmin willbe doing an across the board price reduction of $75-100 on all units in the very near future. I could not get an exact date but the indication was these reductions would go into effect by summer. The only good new was that Garmin willbe doing an across the board price reduction of $75-100 on all units in the very near future.
I could not get an exact date but the indication was these reductions would go into effect by summer.And my prediction of the amount of price reduction which all of us outside the USA will see is. ZERO.I have had numerous Garmins units over the years and cross'd the second unlocks between them as it really does what i want.All that will happen is now I will use metroguide and 'that software'.
Edited May 8, 2007 by S&G.Davison. Even more disturbing, effective June 1 there will be no free second unlock code; this includes people who have already purchased the programs with the understanding the second unlock was available. Having just bought a 76CSx and a full version of CN8 I was counting on using the second code at a later date if I decided to buy another 76 for the wife. Now I will have to buy another GPS by June 1 or lose my second unlock code.I'm no lawyer (got a 'D' in my one business law course), but this would seem to me to be clearly illegal.
When we purchased the product, it was clearly stated that it came with two unlock codes. I'm no lawyer (got a 'D' in my one business law course), but this would seem to me to be clearly illegal.
When we purchased the product, it was clearly stated that it came with two unlock codesAgreed, this does seem to be a clear violation of the terms we bought this software under. Nobody reads the End User License Agreements that come with software, but even if there is some sort of legal loophole allowing them to do this it's still a breach of faith. If they do this after the purchase then they clearly cannot be trusted to live up to any of our expectations about their products and software.I have City Nav installed on my 60CSx, and was planning on getting my wife either a 60CSx or Vista CX this year. I was saving the second unlock code for that unit, but now it looks like it will be useless. I'm considering going on the Garage Sale forum and sell my second unlock codes to some deserving cacher before I lose it.
As for a new GPS for the wife, I'm looking closely at the new Delorme.They apparently try to justify this policy change by lowering the price on the software. Fat lot of good that does those of us that bought at the old price. You want to take away my second unlock code? Fine, where's my rebate check for the difference in cost? To apply this new policy retroactively is unforgaivable.This is a steaming pile of horsecrap. I've sent my thoughts on this to Garmin's customer service, I suggest you all do the same. Is the price reductions for software only, or do they mean gpsr as well?As I understood it the reduction was going to apply to the GPSr, not software.I expressed my concerns with Tech Support and sent them an e-mail also; suggest everyone do the same.
I paid for two unlock codes and I expect to get both of them. We should not have to give up something bought and paid for due to a policy change. If they want to change the policy fine (although it is a poor business decision) but they need to grandfather those of us who still have our second code.
I agree, if they are going to do this, they should at least honor the EULA and allow the second unlock code for the people that purchased the software under those terms. If they don't, then refund some money or send a rebate check out to be used on a future purchase from Garmin.
Mapsource Bluechart Cd Player
Something tells me that they won't do that though. Just another way that big business keeps us down. Just like gas prices. What are you gonna do?Recently a writer for one of the gun magazines made some very derogatory comments about a particular weapons system; comments that infuriated alot of loyal readers and customers of the writer, his parent company and it's sponsors. The resulting backlash of e-mails resulted in the writer losing his readers, his sponsors and finally his job. This all came about as a direct result of hundreds of e-mails to all concerned expressing their thoughts.
Mapsource Bluechart Cd Downloads
Sounds like we need to convince as many people as possible to take the same approach with Garmin and send e-mails expressing their dissatisfaction. With enough people maybe we can get them to re-examine this unannounced policy change. I've already sent my e-mail.